Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is SriPay?

SriPay is a revolutionary payment solution that connects Sri Lankan merchants to a global audience, facilitating secure and seamless transactions

2. How does SriPay benefit merchants?

SriPay empowers merchants by providing access to Alipay, expanding their customer base to include Chinese users, and enabling hassle-free cross-border transactions.

3. Is SriPay only for large businesses?

No, SriPay is designed for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small boutique or a large enterprise, SriPay offers tailored solutions to meet your payment needs.

4. What sets SriPay apart from other payment platforms?

SriPay uniquely combines cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly interface, providing merchants with an efficient and reliable payment gateway.

5. How can I integrate SriPay into my business?

Integrating SriPay is simple. Visit our integration guide or contact our support team for assistance.

6. What is the SriPay app?

The SriPay app is a comprehensive tool for both merchants and administrators, offering a unified platform for managing transactions, accessing reports, and more.

7. Can I use the SriPay app on both mobile and desktop?

Yes, SriPay offers both a mobile and web app, ensuring flexibility and convenience for users.

8. What features does the SriPay app offer for merchants?

Merchants can enjoy features like transaction management, refunds, detailed reports, and real-time notifications, all accessible through the SriPay app.

9. Is the SriPay app secure?

SriPay prioritizes the security of your transactions. Our app employs advanced encryption and security measures to safeguard your data

10. How can I get technical support for the SriPay app?

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock. Contact us through our hotline +94 76 703 5500 or email us on for assistance.

11. Is the SriPay app suitable for businesses outside Sri Lanka?

While initially designed for Sri Lankan businesses, the SriPay app is adaptable and can be customized for international use.

12. Can I use the SriPay app for multiple businesses?

Yes, the SriPay app supports multiple business accounts, making it convenient for users managing multiple ventures.
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